Cardiac Vocabulary

  1. 1. a bloodclot that moves and suddenly blocks a blood vessel
  2. 4. lack of blood supply caused by a blocked or constricted blood vessel
  3. 6. a tiny blood vessel that allows an exchange between blood and cells in tissue
  4. 8. Outermost Wall of the Heart
  5. 9. pacemaker: a specialized bit of heart tissue that controls the heartbeat (2 words)
  6. 10. a blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart to the body's organs
  7. 12. the force that blood exerts on the walls of the arteries (2 words)
  8. 15. hardening of blood vessels
  9. 17. a vessel that carries blood towards the heart
  10. 19. cardiac cell death (2 words)
  11. 22. waxy, fat-like substance
  12. 24. gender, age, and race are _____ risk factors
  13. 29. high blood pressure
  14. 31. One of the two lower chambers of the heart
  15. 32. a heart rhythm that falls outside the accepted norms
  16. 34. chest pain
  17. 35. smoking, obesity, and lack of exercise are ____ risk factors
  1. 2. Middle layer of wall of the heart, most cardiac muscle located here
  2. 3. movement of blood in veins and arteries throughout the body
  3. 5. vessels that supply the heart with blood (2 words)
  4. 7. One of the two upper chambers of the heart.
  5. 8. measure of the output of the heart with each heartbeat (2 words)
  6. 11. Abnormally fast heart rate, over a 100 bpm.
  7. 13. valve separating pulmonary artery from right ventricle
  8. 14. phase of heartbeat when ventricles are squeezing
  9. 15. valve leading from left ventricle into aorta
  10. 16. inability of heart to pump enough blood to body (2 words)
  11. 18. A deposit of fatty material on the inner lining of an arterial wall
  12. 20. Abnormally enlarged heart.
  13. 21. bundle of fibers of the impulse conducting system of the heart (2 words)
  14. 23. Inner, thin layer of endothelium, pierced by tiny blood vessels
  15. 25. relaxation stage of the heartbeat
  16. 26. Abnormal quivering or contractions of the heart fibers.
  17. 27. Abnormally slow heart rate, below 60 bpm
  18. 28. Collection of material that travels to and suddenly blocks a blood vessel
  19. 30. valve separating the right atrium and right ventricle
  20. 33. valve separating the left atrium and left ventricle