
  1. 3. approved for treatment of chronic angina but can increase the risk of QTc prolongation
  2. 5. and increase in this inflammatory mediator can cause dry cough in those on ACE-I
  3. 6. diabetes medication with a boxed warning to avoid in HF patients
  4. 8. reversal agent for Dabigatran
  5. 10. anti-arrhythmic known to inhibit warfarin metabolism
  6. 12. this antihypertensive agent comes in a patch that should be applied every 7 days
  7. 14. the number of days (spelt out) Effient should be held prior to elective surgery
  8. 18. class of diabetes medication associated with euglycemic ketoacidosis
  9. 21. anticoagulant administered SQ that can be used in patients with a history of HIT
  10. 22. can be used in hypertensive emergencies and is associated with thiocyanate/cyanide toxicity
  11. 23. anticoagulant that does not require renal adjustment
  12. 25. this medication can lower glucose and LDL but is associated with constipation
  13. 26. this beta blocker is typically taken twice daily with food
  14. 28. Class 1C antiarrhythmic that can cause lupus
  15. 29. interaction between Plavix and Prilosec is through this enzyme
  16. 31. statin that should be taken with evening meal
  17. 32. natural supplement used for memory that can increase the risk of bleeding with warfarin
  18. 34. the amount of insulin regular (in units)in 40 units of Humulin 70/30
  19. 35. equivalent oral dose of furosemide 40 mg IV
  20. 36. dose of Lantus (in units)given QHS when converting from NPH 10 units bid
  21. 37. starting weekly dose (mg) of Trulicity
  1. 1. color of warfarin 2.5 mg tablet
  2. 2. diabetes medication that may increase the risk of leg amputations and hyperkalemia
  3. 4. PER FDA labeled use, this medication should be given within 3 hours of ischemic stroke symptom onset
  4. 7. diuretic that improves survival in HF patients
  5. 9. reversal agent for Xarelto
  6. 11. HF medication that includes a neprilysin inhibitor
  7. 13. this anti-platelet is not recommended in patients 75+ due to increased risk of fatal and intracranial bleeding
  8. 15. this medication can be considered in patients with HFrEF on maximally tolerated dose of a beta blocker and HR 70+ to reduce risk of hospitalization
  9. 16. medication that can cause gynecomastia
  10. 17. Kcentra is contraindicated in patients with this PMH
  11. 19. maximum dose of simvastatin (in mg) that should be initiated in a patient on amlodipine 10 mg
  12. 20. loop diuretic that does no carry a warning regarding sulfa allergy cross-sensitivity
  13. 24. once daily GLP1 agonist
  14. 27. Used to calculate a risk score of stroke in patients with afib
  15. 28. an injectable used for familial hypercholesterolemia or secondary prevention of CV events
  16. 30. this medication improves HF Sx but does not improve survival
  17. 33. patients on metformin may become deficient in this vitamin
  18. 34. Lovenox dose (mg) given q12hours for the treatment of DVT in a 95 kg patient with CrCl 60
  19. 36. target dose of losartan (in mg) in HFrEF