Cardio - Lec 6: The cardiac cycle

  1. 5. ventricular DIASTOLE is comprised of three phases: isovolumetric relaxation, _______ filling, and reduced filling.
  2. 6. narrowing of the valvular orifice. creates turbulent flow.
  3. 7. a ____ systolic murmur is one that occurs throughout systole, ie as the ventricles are contracting.
  4. 11. the right AV valve.
  5. 14. valve ____ when pressure in the proximal chamber exceeds pressure in the distal chamber.
  6. 16. these muscles do not help to close valves (AV), prevent bulging of valves into atrial chambers during ventricular contraction.
  7. 17. rapid ventricular filling is aided by _______ recoil of ventricular walls ('suck' blood in)
  8. 18. abbreviation for the volume of blood left in the ventricle at the end of contraction/systole.
  9. 20. ventricular systole is comprised of three stages: ___________ contraction, rapid ejection, reduced ejection.
  10. 22. the __________ heart sound is associated with the closure of the AV valves (beginning of ventricular systole).
  11. 23. the __________ heart sound occurs with atrial contraction (rush of blood into ventricles). weak and difficult to hear except in horses
  12. 25. the volume of blood in the ventricle at the end of atrial systole.
  13. 30. up to _________ percent of ventricular filling occurs passively, during diastole (at rest).
  14. 31. the leaking of blood through an incompetent valve.
  15. 33. pressure waves in the systemic _________ can be felt as pulsatile: systolic pressure (peak at point of maximum blood ejection (~120mmHg) from ventricle) and diastolic pressure (~80mmHg)(pressure when outlet valves closed).
  16. 35. a _______ rhythm is produced when the first or second heart sound is split (triple sound). indicates disease in humans. normal in dairy cows with low HR.
  17. 36. (2 words) sequence of coordinated electrical and mechanical events that is required for effective cardiac pump function.
  18. 38. heart murmurs are caused by non-________ (turbulent) blood flow. can reflect valve defects.
  19. 39. rapid ejection phase of ventricles: ventricular pressure rises above diastolic arterial pressure (80mmHg in _____ ventricle, 8mmHg right ventricle)
  20. 40. valve closes when pressure in the ________ chamber exceeds pressure in the proximal chamber
  21. 41. movements of valve leaflets are __________. muscles supporting the AV valves are there to prevent leaflets billowing back into atria.
  22. 44. the semilunar valves (aortic (left) and pulmonary (right)) are also known as the __________ valves.
  23. 45. the left AV valve. two papillary muscles.
  24. 46. the ___________ heart sound marks the closure of the semilunar valves (end of ventricular systole, following ejection of blood)
  25. 49. at the end of ventricular systole, there is a build up of blood in the atria (from the _______). this is called the atrial v wave.
  26. 50. ______ defects include stenosis and insufficiency.
  1. 1. the _________ heart sound is weak and difficult to hear (except in horses). occurs mid diastole. due to passive ventricular filling
  2. 2. during the ___________ ejection phase, almost no blood flows from the ventricle to arteries, yet ventricle remains contracted.
  3. 3. pressure-volume loops are useful to describe changes to pressure and volume in _________ states.
  4. 4. isovolumetric contraction of the ventricles involves contraction on a fixed volume, against closed valves. __________ increases, but volume remains the same, until ________ in ventricle exceeds ___________ downstream.
  5. 8. the pressure volume loop moves in an _____ clockwise direction, with volume on the x axis, and pressure on the y. valve closures and openings indicate the corners of the loop.
  6. 9. valve ____________ occurs when a valve leaks blood while closed "regurgitation". heard as a dull roar.
  7. 10. systolic pressure of the ____________ circuit is 25mmHg, and diastolic 8mmHg. (as opposed to systemic 120/80)
  8. 12. (2 words) the volume of blood ejected from the ventricle. the difference between EDV and ESV.
  9. 13. the _ _____ occurs during ATRIAL SYSTOLE (atrial contraction). this is the pressure in the venous system. due to lack of valves between atria and great veins --> some backflow during atrial contraction -> _ _____
  10. 15. (2 words) the PROPORTION of end diastolic volume ejected. is equal to the stroke volume / EDV.
  11. 19. the right AV valve has how many papillary muscles?
  12. 21. the ___________ notch on the pressure graph of the aortic blood pressure is due to the aortic valve closing and blood flowing back into the aortic sinuses (transient dip in pressure)
  13. 23. the second phase of ventricular diastole, rapid ventricular ___________, occurs when atrial pressure > ventricular pressure --> AV valves open (atrial pressure falls rapidly).
  14. 24. the first and second ______ _______ (2 words) mark the beginning and end of ventricular systole.
  15. 26. valves are responsible for uni_____________ flow.
  16. 27. during atrial __________, ventricular filling is completed. only 20% contribution during rest, but during exercise when HR increases and time for passive filling of ventricle decreases - significant.
  17. 28. the main measure of heart performance is _______ _______ (2 words) stroke volume x heart rate.
  18. 29. ______ percent of ventricular emptying occurs in the first quarter of systole (and not all emptied, so the fast majority empties rapidly (rapid ejection phase)).
  19. 32. there are __ valves between the great veins and the atria.
  20. 34. at rest, diastole is approximately ______ the length of systole. diastole length decreases as HR increases.
  21. 37. during isovolumetric _____________ (1st phase of ventricular diastole), outflow valves are closed, and ventricles relax rapidly. however, pressure still greater than pressure in atria, AV valves remain closed and volume remains same.
  22. 42. right and left pumps of the heart are arranged in _____, so flow rates and stroke volume of each side must be equal (dont want to back up on systemic or pulmonary circuit)
  23. 43. the main difference between the left and right heart in the cardiac cycle, is the MAGNITUDE OF SYSTOLIC PRESSURES (120 in left heart, 25 in right heart). this is because _____ have a much lower resistance to flow, so less pressure needs to be generated by the right heart
  24. 47. (2 words) during ventricular isovolumetric contraction, AV valves bulge into the atria. this causes an atrial pressure wave, the _ _____
  25. 48. during the period of isovolumetric contraction, ventricular depolarisation is associated wth the ____ phase on an ECG. a 0.2-0.3 second interval of isovolumetric contraction before semilunar valves open.