Cardio - Lec 8: Imaging to Assess the CV system.

  1. 2. the ________________ position gives a good radiographic image of the lung parenchyma.
  2. 3. (2 words) end result of severe heart disease, clinical syndrome seen as congestion and oedema, poor peripheral perfusion and/or systemic hypertension. Heart disease always present when there is ______ _______.
  3. 7. ____________ ___________ is measured with m mode echocardiography. FS = (D-S)/D . measure of how well heart s contracting.
  4. 9. any abnormality of the heart (2 words). Does not necessarily lead to heart failure, but may in severe cases.
  5. 10. to ultrasound/echocardiogram lie dog on side with gap to access from _____________ --> heart flops down and can be more easily viewed through thoracic wall.
  6. 15. in cardiomegaly, in a lateral radiograph, the ______ between the trachea (gas filled) and spine, is reduced.
  7. 16. old cats often get ______________ cardiomyopathy. But it can be hard to detect on radiograph as the heart gets bgger at the expense of the chambers, not externally.
  8. 17. in right or left lateral recumbency, when taking a radiographic image, make sure the animals forelimbs are pulled forward to prevent the _________ muscle being superimposed over the heart.
  9. 20. the heart can APPEAR bigger on a radiograph, but not actually have cardiomegaly. This can be due to ___________ __________ (accumulation of fluid in the pericardial cavity). How to tell the difference: cardiomegaly will have a slightly blurry margin (heart moving in chest during radiograph, heart with ____________ ___________ will have static margins as movement not as detectable on radiograph.
  10. 22. cats with cardiomegaly have what is known as a ______________ shaped heart when viewed from VD/DV radiograph.
  11. 23. radiographic features of _____________ (enlarged heart) on the dorsoventral/ventrodorsal projection include – increased rounding and elongation of heart borders. Bumpiness on left heart border due to increased size of left auricle, caudal and leftward displacement. In cats, a ‘valentine’ shaped heart.
  12. 26. ______________ can affect the appearance of the heart. eg at end of inspiration, heart appears smaller, at end of expriration, heart appears significantly larger.
  13. 27. _ _____ echocardiography is used to measure contractility. the lumen width of the (left) ventricle is measured during systole and diastole to determine fractional shortening.
  14. 28. in peritoneal effusion - lateral radiograph - abdomen will appear as ___________ glass - opaque and little definition.
  15. 29. radiographic features of cardiomegaly (enlarged heart) on the lateral projection include – reduced distance between heart and spine, _________ appears as parallel to the spine, rather than at an angle, increased width of heart, straightening of caudal heart border, cranial bulging of right heart border, increased sternal contact.
  1. 1. can use ______ _______ in an ultrasound to detect abnormalities in blood flow eg regurgitation through leaky valve, or abnormal flow through patent foramen ovale (congenital defect).
  2. 3. on an echocardiogram, pericardial effusion will appear as a ___________ area surrounding the more hyperechoic heart wall.
  3. 4. when taking a ventrodorsal or dorsoventral projection, try to superimpose the __________ and the spine.
  4. 5. (3 words) the scale used to identify cardiomegaly on a lateral radiograph. Take the vertical and horizontal (height and width) axis, and measure these distances along the spine from T4 +  how many vertebrae does each measurement cross, add them together. Normal is between 9.7-12.7, depending on breed.
  5. 6. the ______________ position gives a better radiographic view of some of the blood vessels than the ventrodorsal does.
  6. 8. should always take at least ____ radiographs from ____ different angles.
  7. 11. an ______________ is a type of ultrasound used to detect abnormalities of the heart.
  8. 12. the presence of large ________ can also be detected in the heart by used echocardiography. (pathological blood clot).
  9. 13. on a VD/DV radiograph, the widest part should not be more than 2/3 the width of the _____.
  10. 14. radiographic signs of cardiac failure: pulmonary oedema (left heart failure), pleural effusion (cats) and ___________ effusion.
  11. 18. (2 words) in cardiomegaly, when viewed from ventrodorsal/dorsoventral, the left hand side appears bumpy due to an enlarged _______ ________.
  12. 19. can detect enlarged _________ veins on a DV radiogrpah - they will be wider than the 9th rib.
  13. 21. ____________ used to image the cardiovascular system include: radiography, ultrasonography/echocardiology, CT, MRI, nuclear medicine.
  14. 24. older dogs are more prone to _______ cardiomyopathy.
  15. 25. two questions to ask - is the heart ___________? are there signs of cardiac failure? (pleural/peritoneal effusion, pulmonary oedema)