Cardio Respiratory System

  1. 2. attracts oxygen into the RBC
  2. 6. a disease or infection
  3. 9. located in the plasma, the bodyguards of the body
  4. 14. AB blood type is the _________ _______
  5. 15. de-oxygenated blood goes from the Heart to the ______ to become oxygenated again
  6. 17. It is better to be Rh __________ because you can receive both Rh + and Rh - blood
  7. 19. Transport oxygen and carbon dioxide around the body
  1. 1. Oxygenated blood goes from the heart to the rest of the _______
  2. 3. Cancer of the bone marrow.
  3. 4. "the river of life"
  4. 5. Used for defence and immunity
  5. 7. an inadequate number of red blood cells, hemoglobin or both in the blood.
  6. 8. what pumps blood around the body?
  7. 10. pump blood AWAY from the heart
  8. 11. O blood type is the __________ _______
  9. 12. directional term for towards the feet
  10. 13. pump blood TOWARDS from the heart
  11. 16. directional term for towards the head
  12. 18. a word that means "relating to the lungs"