
  1. 2. common term for thrombocytes
  2. 5. sound of pulmonary and aortic valve opening and closing
  3. 7. blood pressure during heart contractions
  4. 10. valve that leads to the lungs
  5. 13. the study of the heart
  6. 16. carries blood away from the heart
  7. 17. main vein that leads into the heart
  8. 18. carries blood toward the heart
  9. 20. right side of heart pumps _______ blood
  10. 21. chamber 1
  11. 23. carries blood from arteries to veins
  12. 24. chamber 2
  1. 1. valve between left atrium and left ventricle
  2. 3. sound of atrium-ventricle valves opening and closing
  3. 4. chamber 3
  4. 6. sound of an abnormal heart beat
  5. 8. left side of heart pumps ________ blood
  6. 9. valve between right atrium and right ventricle
  7. 11. main artery that leads out of the heart
  8. 12. valve that leads to the heart
  9. 14. chamber 4
  10. 15. blood pressure during heart dilations
  11. 19. most mammals have a____chambered heart
  12. 22. common term for pulmonary