Cardiovascular Disease

  1. 1. After cardiac transplantation, the HR response to exercise is usually ________.
  2. 4. Discomfort in the chest
  3. 7. Used to restore an optimal HR and to synchronize atrial and ventricular filling and contraction.
  4. 8. Diseases of arterial blood vessels outside the heart and brain
  5. 10. Diseases that involve the heart and/or blood vessels
  6. 11. ESV/EDV
  7. 12. It's important to transition patients from a medically supervised program to an ____________ home exercise program
  8. 15. Sternal bone healing to attain adequate sternal stability is achieved in ____ weeks.
  9. 17. injury/death of the muscular tissue of the heart
  10. 18. Unstable angina is a _______________ for cardiac rehabilitation
  11. 19. Inpatient cardiac rehabilitation is known as phase ____.
  12. 20. After cardiac transplantation, one should use ______ to test for exercise intensity.
  1. 2. One of the appropriate modalities of exercise for cardiac rehabilitation
  2. 3. The number of phases usually in a cardiac rehabilitation program
  3. 5. The major symptom of PAD
  4. 6. Now a standard part of the overall exercise training program for most, if not all, patients with CVD
  5. 9. disease of the arteries of the heart
  6. 13. Disease of the blood vessels that supply the brain
  7. 14. Performing resistance training for patients with CVD improves self-...
  8. 16. Cardiac rehabilitation exercise sessions should be less than _____ minutes.