Cardiovascular Medical Terminology

  1. 3. narrowing of the aorta
  2. 5. pertaining to an artery
  3. 8. procedure using ultrasound to assess the heart
  4. 10. high blood pressure
  5. 11. abnormal dilatation of a vessel, usually an artery
  6. 14. enlargement of the heart
  7. 15. quivering muscle contractions especially in the heart
  8. 16. blood clot that obstructs a vessel
  9. 17. disease of the heart muscle
  10. 18. local, temporary deficiency in blood supply
  11. 20. inflammation of the inner heart
  1. 1. open, unobstructed
  2. 2. removal of an embolus
  3. 4. puncture of the heart
  4. 6. pertaining to the heart and lung
  5. 7. inflammation of the heart muscle
  6. 9. condition of a blood clot in a vein
  7. 12. condition of hardening of fatty plaque
  8. 13. inflamation of a vein
  9. 19. surgical repair of a vessel