- 4. / Medical Term used to describe the presence of High Blood Pressure
- 5. / Tool used to aid in Resuscitation
- 6. / What the Body Pumps
- 9. Arrest / When the Heart completely stops
- 11. / Keep blood flowing in the same direction
- 16. / Prefix for Fast; e.g When the heart beats fast
- 17. / A Tool that is used to measure blood pressure. Term used for Blood Pressure Cuff.
- 21. / People in Radiology could perform and specialize in this test. When X-Ray dye is inserted to blood vessels to diagnose aneurysms or narrowing
- 22. / Document that notifies Physicians to not resuscitate
- 23. Enzymes / Blood Test that measures looks for distinct features in the blood to determine heart muscle damage
- 24. / Suffix for someone who has studied the subject ; e.g someone experienced with the heart is called a cardi____.
- 25. / When an arterial wall is weakened and becomes swollen
- 1. Veins / Dilated or Swollen Veins
- 2. Ultrasonography / A tool that uses ultrasound to see how blood flows through the vein to determine thrombus or narrowing
- 3. infarction / Medical Term to describe a Heart Attack ;
- 7. / Suffix for Surgical removal ; e.g The removal of the appendix
- 8. / Suffix for hardening ; e.g the disease known as M.S
- 10. / Prefix for Within Something
- 12. / Carry Blood away from the heart
- 13. / A Tool that uses ultrasound to examine/view the heart and its vessels ; EKG
- 14. / Sphygmomanometers measure this
- 15. / Carries Blood throughout the Body
- 18. / Pumps Blood Throughout the Body
- 19. / The largest artery ; Carries Blood down the Center of the Body
- 20. / Department in a Hospital where Medical Professionals receive patients that come in Ambulances and or have Emergencies