Cardiovascular system

  1. 4. blood supply from brain
  2. 7. tachycardia
  3. 10. machine that rotates around your body for pictures
  4. 15. that return blood to the heart
  5. 17. layer of heart
  6. 19. to/-ar
  7. 20. muscle disease
  8. 21. aortic aneurysm
  9. 22. pumps blood through system
  10. 23. field that creates images of heart
  11. 24. of arteries
  1. 1. of small vessels that perfuse tissue
  2. 2. artery bypass graft surgery
  3. 3. heart rhythms
  4. 5. waves to show pictures
  5. 6. layer of heart
  6. 8. heart monitor
  7. 9. blood flow causing chest pains
  8. 11. failure
  9. 12. layer of heart
  10. 13. that deliver blood to tissue
  11. 14. disease
  12. 16. heart rhythms
  13. 18. aortic valve replacement