Cardiovascular System

  1. 2. arterial blood supply to heart (name)
  2. 6. blood flow to and from tissue ____ circuit
  3. 9. layer where heart valves are located
  4. 11. P wave signifies atrial _____
  5. 12. separates R & L sides of heart
  6. 15. recording of electrical heart activity
  7. 17. middle layer of heart wall
  8. 22. T wave signifies ventricular _____
  9. 24. persistently elevated BP
  10. 25. pulmonary artery carries blood to the ___
  11. 26. membranous sac that encloses heart
  1. 1. slow heart rate <60/min
  2. 3. heart relaxation
  3. 4. pumping chambers
  4. 5. heart contraction
  5. 6. closure of aortic valve produces __ HS
  6. 7. rapid heart rate >100/min
  7. 8. left atrioventricular valve
  8. 10. connects arteriole to venue
  9. 13. abnormal heart sound
  10. 14. closure of AV valves produce ___ HS
  11. 16. this node serves as heart pacemaker
  12. 18. heart is found here(space)
  13. 19. receiving chambers
  14. 20. right atrioventricular valve
  15. 21. detect changes in blood pressure
  16. 23. device that measures BP