Cardiovascular System

  1. 3. Heart failure
  2. 4. Two chambers near the bottom of the heart
  3. 6. Electrophysiology
  4. 8. Cardiovascular disease
  5. 9. An ultrasound of the heart
  6. 12. Electrocardiogram
  7. 13. Using exercise to see how the heart performs
  8. 15. Network of small vessels that perfuse tissues
  9. 16. Measure pressure of your pulse
  10. 20. Abbreviation meaning chest
  11. 21. Artery has a weakened wall
  12. 22. Echocardiogram
  13. 23. Abbreviation meaning pressure
  1. 1. Stopping of the heart
  2. 2. Vessels that deliver blood to your tissues
  3. 3. The muscle that pumps blood to all your body parts
  4. 5. Narrowing in the arteries surrounding the heart
  5. 6. Graphic measure of the electrical activity of the heart
  6. 7. Vessels that return blood to the heart
  7. 10. High blood pressure
  8. 11. Muscle
  9. 14. Uses a sonographer to check over your abdomen
  10. 17. Pericardial sac around the heart is inflamed
  11. 18. Atrium
  12. 19. Heart