Cardiovascular System

  1. 2. main organ of the cardiovascular system
  2. 4. coronary artery bypass graft surgery
  3. 5. Atrial fibrillation
  4. 7. vein that carried deoxygenated blood
  5. 8. Acute myocardial infarction
  6. 9. main artery to carry oxygenated blood
  7. 10. hypertension
  8. 11. meaning hardening
  9. 12. Bessel that brings blood back to the heart
  10. 17. blood root word
  11. 19. cardiovascular disease
  12. 20. Tracks electrical activity of the heart
  13. 21. part of the heart wall
  14. 23. meaning arteries
  15. 24. causes the heart to work harder
  16. 25. heart root word
  1. 1. “Heart Attack”
  2. 3. component of blood without a nucleus
  3. 5. receiving chambers of the heart
  4. 6. “pacemaker of the heart
  5. 13. lab tests used to determine heart disease
  6. 14. meaning blood vessels
  7. 15. main vessels leaving the heart
  8. 16. valve between the right atrium and ventricle
  9. 18. blood component important for clotting
  10. 22. test that uses sound waves to see the heart