Cardiovascular system

  1. 2. Pertaining to.
  2. 3. X-ray Uses X-rays to look at the structures and organs in your chest.
  3. 7. Uses X-ray imaging to see your heart's blood vessels.
  4. 9. A disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant.
  5. 10. Cardiac resynchronization therapy.
  6. 11. Attack When blood is blocked from flowing to the heart muscle.
  7. 15. A simple and fast test used to evaluate the heart.
  8. 19. Makes detailed images of the beating heart.
  9. 21. The opposite of big.
  10. 22. Uses sound waves to create moving pictures of your heart.
  11. 23. Acute myocardial infarction.
  1. 1. Vessels that return blood to the heart.
  2. 4. The cardiovascular system has this organ at the center of its function.
  3. 5. The problem of the heart rate or rythem of your heartbeat.
  4. 6. Coronary artery bypass graft surgery.
  5. 8. Inflammation
  6. 10. Cardiovascular disease.
  7. 11. Failure When the heart muscle doesn't pump blood as well as it should.
  8. 12. Acute coronary syndromes.
  9. 13. Makes it harder for your heart to pump to the rest of the body.
  10. 14. Disease Disorders of the aorta.
  11. 16. Networks of small vessels that perfuse tissues.
  12. 17. Vessels that deliver blood to tissues.
  13. 18. The cardiovascular system pumps blood from the heart to this organ to get oxygen.
  14. 20. Pain.