- 3. The phase in which the heart contracts in the heart cycle
- 5. The ability of a tissue to mechanically alter blood flow to match its metabolic demands
- 7. Receiving chambers that pump blood into ventricles
- 8. The straw-coloured liquid portion of the blood
- 10. Chambers that release blood from the heart
- 13. The rhythmic expansion and elastic recoil of a systemic artery after each contraction of the left ventricle
- 15. White blood cells that help the body respond to infection and heal damaged tissue
- 16. An antibody that causes agglutination
- 19. Fibro-serous, fluid-filled sac that surrounds the heart.
- 20. Blood type AB has both A and B ________
- 22. Failure of the myocardium to contract
- 24. Blood cells that work with plasma to form clot over an injury
- 26. The causes of _____ may be haemorrhage, burns and dehydration
- 27. The largest artery in the body that distributes oxygenated blood to all parts of the body
- 28. A blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart
- 29. A condition in which veins become enlarged and twisted due to increased blood pressure
- 30. Production of red blood corpuscles, begins in red bone marrow
- 1. A disorder in which heart rate increases above normal
- 2. The process in which formed elements of the blood develop
- 4. Cells that play a role in defence by producing antibodies
- 6. The process by which red blood corpuscles are broken down
- 9. Cancer of the blood forming tissue
- 11. Microscopic vessels that connect arterioles to venules
- 12. The coronary arteries supply blood to the
- 14. Sinoatrial nodes work as a primary _________ of the heart
- 17. A blood vessel that coveys blood from tissues back to heart
- 18. Narrowing of the blood vessels
- 21. A ________________ is used to measure blood pressure
- 23. A receptor that detects pressure in the vessels
- 25. The study of the heart and diseases associated with it