cardiovascular system

  1. 1. main artery of the body
  2. 2. nursing care plan
  3. 4. a problem with the rate or rhythm of your heartbeat
  4. 7. Any disorder that affects the heart muscle
  5. 9. prefix for blood vessel
  6. 11. a type of chest pain caused by reduced blood flow to the heart
  7. 12. carries nutrients like o2 to certain places
  8. 13. prefix for heart
  9. 14. do not resuscitate
  10. 17. takes blood away from the heart
  11. 18. prefix for ventricle
  12. 20. makes sure that blood flows in the right direction through your heart and to the rest of your body
  13. 21. prefix for heart or crown
  1. 1. thickening or hardening of the arteries caused by a buildup of plaque in the inner lining of an artery
  2. 3. delicate blood vessels that exist throughout your body
  3. 5. electrocardiogram
  4. 6. emergency room
  5. 7. abbreviation for coronary artery bypass graft
  6. 8. something blocks blood supply to part of the brain or when a blood vessel in the brain bursts
  7. 9. takes the blood to the heart
  8. 10. coronary artery disease
  9. 11. abbreviation for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
  10. 15. what pumps the blood to the body
  11. 16. Abbreviation for blood
  12. 19. intensive care unit