Cardiovascular System and ECG

  1. 5. Graphic representation of this activity
  2. 6. Heart Contraction
  3. 7. Heart Relaxation
  4. 8. Protective outer most layer of a blood vessel
  5. 11. volume of blood ejected by a ventricle with each heartbeat (normal equals 70mls per minutes)
  6. 13. normal heart sound, caused by closing of AV valve
  7. 14. works as body's thermostat
  8. 16. Starts at the beginning of ventricular depolarization to end of ventricular repolarization
  9. 17. State at which muscles are at rest and electrical charges are balanced
  10. 18. Slower heart rate <60bpm
  11. 20. Abnormal heart sounds, indicates valve problems
  12. 21. a temp >38°C (100.4°F)
  13. 22. Low blood pressure
  14. 27. Undefined wave with repolarization
  15. 28. Ventricular contraction (ventricular depolarization)
  1. 1. Rapid, uncoordinated shuddering of the heart muscle
  2. 2. 1 complete heartbeat
  3. 3. Divides heart longitudinally
  4. 4. changes voltage into mechanical motion and recorded onto heat sensitive paper
  5. 5. Instrument used to record electrical activity of heart
  6. 6. Starts at the end of ventricular depolarization to the beginning of ventricular repolarization
  7. 9. without a fever
  8. 10. Lack of blood supply to heart
  9. 12. “Skeleton of the heart”
  10. 15. Friction reducing layer of a blood vessel, that provides a slick surface for blood to flow through lumen
  11. 19. Receiving chamber of the heart
  12. 23. Atrial contraction (atrial depolarization)
  13. 24. Rapid heart rate >100bpm
  14. 25. normal heart sound, caused by closing of semilunar valve
  15. 26. Smaller veins, drain capillaries