Respiratory System Vet Med Terms

  1. 2. Difficult or labored breathing
  2. 4. Pertaining to the alveoli
  3. 9. Condition resulted from the inhalation of environmental particles and dust
  4. 10. Presence of pus in the chest cavity
  5. 11. Taking shallow breaths
  6. 16. Paralysis of the muscles controlling the larynx
  7. 17. Instrument that measures the amount of oxygen in the blood stream
  8. 18. Surgical repair of the nose
  9. 19. Type of pneumoconiosis that develops from the collection of carbon in the lung. May lead to the development of lung cancer. Also known as black lung.
  1. 1. An instrument used to view inside the bronchus
  2. 2. Pertaining to the diaphragm
  3. 3. To cough up blood or blood-stained sputum
  4. 5. To cut into the chest cavity
  5. 6. Surgical repair of the larynx
  6. 7. Pertaining to the epiglottis
  7. 8. Dilated bronchus / Abnormal enlargement of the bronchi
  8. 9. Pleural pain
  9. 12. Presence of blood in the chest cavity
  10. 13. An insufficient level of carbon dioxide in the body
  11. 14. Condition where the shape of the skull is shorter than average
  12. 15. Condition of having insufficient amount of oxygen in the blood stream