Cardiovascular terminology

  1. 1. a test uses an ultrasound to look at the heart and vessels
  2. 5. blood pressure
  3. 6. stopping of the heart
  4. 8. is the outmost layer of the heart.
  5. 10. cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  6. 13. many
  7. 14. in the innermost layer of the heart.
  8. 15. long-term force of blood against your artery walls which cause heart problems
  9. 16. part of circulatory system.
  10. 18. history of
  11. 20. listens for the sounds of the heart
  12. 22. physiology or related to nature
  13. 23. inflammation
  14. 24. an artery has a weakened wall causing it to swell like a ballon
  1. 2. measure certain items in the blood to find any heart muscles damage
  2. 3. a procedure done in a specialized area of radiology
  3. 4. an instrument to measure pressure
  4. 7. chest pain
  5. 9. cause chest pain heaviness
  6. 11. carries blood throughout the body.
  7. 12. the pericardial sac around the heart is inflamed
  8. 17. clot
  9. 19. shortness of breath
  10. 21. muscular tissue of the heart.
  11. 22. disease