cardiovascular words

  1. 2. a band of fibers that transports impulses from the av nodes
  2. 4. any sound produced as the heart functions
  3. 6. branches of the AV bundle that divide to the right and left side of the interventricular septum
  4. 10. a wall dividing two cavities
  5. 11. a return of electrical charge to the resting state in nerves or muscles
  6. 13. fibrous sac of the heart
  7. 14. number of times the heart contracts per minute
  8. 16. vessels that carry blood from the lungs to the left side of the heart
  9. 18. valve between the left atrium and left ventricle
  10. 21. a small mass in the lower septum
  11. 23. a structure that keeps fluid flowing in a forward motion
  12. 28. wave of increased pressure produced by the heart beating
  13. 30. the relaxation phase for the heartbeat cycle
  14. 31. small mass in the upper part of the right atrium that mitates the impulse for each heartbeat
  15. 34. large superior vein that brings blood low in oxygen back to the right atrium
  16. 35. valve at the entrance
  17. 36. system that carries blood from the right side
  18. 37. a microscopic blood vessel
  19. 38. small vessel that carries blood from the arteries into the capillaries
  20. 39. vessel that carries blood away from the heart
  21. 40. a tube or duct to transport fluid
  1. 1. vessel that carries blood from the right side
  2. 3. force exerted by blood against the wall of a vessel
  3. 5. system of vessels that carries oxygenated blood from the left side of the heart to all tissue except the lung
  4. 7. the contraction phase of the heartbeat cycle
  5. 8. a small cavity one of two lower pumping chambers of the heart
  6. 9. a vessel that carries blood back to the heart
  7. 12. terminal fibers of the cardiac conducting system
  8. 15. the thin outermost layer of the heart
  9. 17. largest artery
  10. 19. thick middle layer of the heart wall
  11. 20. sounds produced as the heart functions
  12. 22. the valve at the entrance to the pulmonary artery
  13. 24. valve between the atrium and ventricle
  14. 25. the point of a coin shaped structure
  15. 26. an entrance chamber one of the two upper receiving chambers of the heart
  16. 27. a change in electrical charge from the resting state of nerves or muscles
  17. 29. study of the electrical activity of the heart
  18. 32. thin membrane that lines the chambers of heart
  19. 33. normal heart rhythm