
  1. 1. _____ disease is 30% more common in Indigenous Australians
  2. 2. more than 6 million Australian adults (25y+) had this higher than 5.5mmol/l
  3. 5. Highest prevalence of all cardiovascular diseases
  4. 7. 54% of Australian do not do enough of this.
  5. 9. 80% of deaths from CVD world wide take place in ____ income countries.
  1. 1. Highest deaths of cardiovascular disease
  2. 3. 58% of people with this also had cardiovascular disease
  3. 4. 21% of Australian adults (25+) are considered to be in this category.
  4. 6. This accounts for 33% of total energy intake according to a 1995 survey.
  5. 8. High ____ consumption is a risk factor for Cardiovascular disease
  6. 10. Cardiovascular disease is the ____ ____ cause of death globally