Careers In Animal Science

  1. 3. study animals and other wildlife
  2. 8. Provide cosmetic services for pets
  3. 9. manages the day- to-day farm operations for the farm/ranch owner
  4. 12. Assists in daily operations on a dairy farm
  5. 13. takes care of the cows
  6. 14. provide for the constant cleanliness of the pet hospital, as well as all patient wards, cages, and runs
  7. 17. personnel assist in loading market livestock onto and off of trucks
  8. 18. responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of sickness, disease and injury in small pets
  9. 19. inspect animals before slaughter, and animal carcasses after slaughter to ensure that meat is fit for human consumption
  10. 20. advises on raw material product selection
  1. 1. trains horses
  2. 2. oversee daily operations of feed yards
  3. 4. provide rehabilitative care to animals
  4. 5. Takes care of animals that are used for human consumption
  5. 6. Take care of and observe animals in their exhibit
  6. 7. schedule feeding, oversee the insemination, pregnancies and births of animals
  7. 10. supervise the production and care of livestock
  8. 11. Raise and care for honeybees
  9. 15. analyze the genetic makeup of animals
  10. 16. purchase and resell farm animals