Caribbean Integration

  1. 2. An agreement between three or more countries that outlines the terms of a relationship or cooperation on a particular issue.
  2. 4. A company that operates in multiple countries and has assets and operations in more than one country.
  3. 6. The process by which neighboring states agree to cooperate and work together to achieve common economic goals.
  4. 7. A country that has a low level of economic and social development.
  5. 9. A type of regional integration that involves the free movement of goods, services, capital, and people among member countries.
  6. 11. Government policy that involves the control of the money supply and interest rates to influence the economy.
  7. 13. A deep form of regional integration that involves the complete coordination of economic policies among member countries, a common currency, and a common regulatory framework.
  8. 14. The process of international integration through the exchange of goods, services, and ideas.
  9. 15. A country that has complete political sovereignty and is not controlled by another country.
  10. 16. The process of removing barriers to trade, such as tariffs, quotas, and subsidies, between countries.
  11. 17. A group of countries that have come together to promote trade and economic cooperation among themselves.
  1. 1. Government policy that involves the use of taxation and spending to influence the economy.
  2. 3. A type of regional integration where member countries remove all trade barriers between them and adopt a common external tariff on imports from non-members.
  3. 5. A country that has a high level of economic and social development.
  4. 8. A country that is in the process of economic and social development.
  5. 10. A process by which neighboring states come together to promote economic, social, and political cooperation.
  6. 12. An agreement between two countries that outlines the terms of a relationship or cooperation on a particular issue.