Caring For Our Common Home Terms

  1. 3. The world belongs to God, but humans have partial - ___________ over creation.
  2. 6. All those things which make up the natural world.
  3. 8. People of faith see every living creature having its own _____ and significance because it is created by God.
  4. 10. People in these Pacific Islands are working in disaster response education.
  5. 11. In Genesis, God creates the world out of love and in a sequenced _________.
  6. 12. Stewardship is the ______ and role of humanity in Creation.
  7. 15. _____ living thing is part of God's creation.
  8. 17. This word appears six times in Genesis 1.
  9. 19. Christians are called to challenge the ways and structures that abuse Creation in this way.
  10. 21. We have a _________________ towards the poor, future generations and humanity as a whole.
  11. 22. People of faith see God in this way.
  12. 24. The Catholic Social Justice Agency for aid and development.
  13. 27. This is the message of Genesis 2.
  14. 29. We can experience the _________ of God through the beauty of nature.
  15. 31. This Pope wrote Laudato Si.
  16. 33. This CST principle involves humans working together as a community.
  17. 34. The change to how we relate to each other and to the whole of God’s creation is called ‘Ecological _________.’
  18. 35. People of faith believe that Creation is a ____ from God.
  1. 1. ‘See - Judge – Act’ is the Catholic _______ of Social Justice Action.
  2. 2. The environmental challenge is a ______ challenge.
  3. 4. The Church calls for a revolution of our _______ minds and lifestyles regarding Creation.
  4. 5. The world and all that is in it, _____ to God.
  5. 6. The Australian Bishops published a Statement called ‘___ of the Earth, ___ of the Poor’ to affirm the relationship between environmental and social justice.
  6. 7. We need to learn from these cultures and care for the land.
  7. 9. People of faith look at creation with ‘awe’ because it is _______.
  8. 13. this CST principle involves standing with the poor: ‘______ for the Poor’.
  9. 14. Catholic ________ Australia works with schools, parishes, and families to help protect the health of Earth, and its inhabitants.
  10. 16. Creation ______ God's perfect love.
  11. 18. Our faith says we have a ____ to care for and protect Creation.
  12. 19. In Genesis 2, humans are told to 'till' and 'keep' this garden.
  13. 20. Each human person is created with this and therefore worthy of respect.
  14. 23. The bond of ‘communion’ between God, people and Creation.
  15. 25. Slum dwellers of Brazil are earning an income through this method of waste disposal.
  16. 26. Creation is made up of both ______ and the Earth.
  17. 27. These kind of crops are helping farmers in Bangladesh.
  18. 28. How humans must live with the rest of creation.
  19. 30. As Christians, we should uphold the _______Good.
  20. 32. Made in God's image.