Caring schools

  1. 2. all the descendents of a common ancestor.
  2. 4. displaying kindness and concern for others.
  3. 6. Involving important duties.
  4. 10. giving or ready to give help.
  5. 12. pleasant, agreeable, satisfactory.
  6. 13. Bear all or part of the weight of hold up.
  7. 15. feeling or showing love or great care.
  8. 16. Having or showing a quick-witted intelligence.
  9. 18. The ability to understand something.
  10. 19. The friendly and generous reception.
  1. 1. Protected from or not exposed to danger.
  2. 3. Give one's attention to a sound.
  3. 5. A feeling of deep admiration for someone.
  4. 7. Free from dirt, marks, or stains.
  5. 8. Suitable or proper in the circumstances.
  6. 9. Giving someone support or confidence supportive.
  7. 11. Behavior without favoritism discrimination.
  8. 14. A relationship of mutual affection between to people.
  9. 17. and gentle with those in need of help.