Carlee and Moutaz

  1. 2. Half off Margs
  2. 3. Terrible with caramel
  3. 5. I want
  4. 6. Next year's international adventure
  5. 13. You can never have too many
  6. 15. Frequent road trip destination
  7. 16. Favorite nickname
  8. 17. A summer fave
  9. 18. Mountain where a rib was broken
  10. 19. Last year's gift
  11. 20. How many dates before the kiss
  12. 22. Favorite nickname
  13. 23. Gym sport
  1. 1. Boat to an island
  2. 4. First vacation
  3. 7. Baby shower location
  4. 8. Island visited twice
  5. 9. Played together
  6. 10. Mountain week in January
  7. 11. Our first real wedding
  8. 12. Our street name
  9. 13. Where we met
  10. 14. It is definitely not that
  11. 16. Our first date
  12. 21. Where we live