  1. 3. A type of connective tissue with a solid elastic matrix
  2. 6. Contains the contractile filaments within the skeletal muscle cell
  3. 8. An organ that produces a specific substance or secretion
  4. 9. Alternative name for skeletal muscle cells
  5. 12. Bundels of cells
  6. 13. The second, or deep, layer of skin beneath the epidermis
  7. 14. Sites of ATP synthesis
  8. 16. Generates action and potential in the neuron
  9. 18. Skeletal muscles are made up of what cells
  10. 20. The enlarged superior portion of the central nervous system located in the cranial cavity of the skull
  11. 21. The transmitting or conductive region of the neuron
  12. 22. Sac-like regions of the sarcoplasmic reticulum that contains ions
  13. 25. Contains genetic material
  14. 26. The branch of science concerned with the structure of the body and the relationship of its organs
  15. 27. Adenosine triphosphate; the universal energy donor of the cell
  16. 28. The portion of the trunk between the diaphragm and pelvis
  17. 29. body Main nutritional and metabolic region of the neuron
  18. 30. The transparent, convex anterior portion of the outer layer of the eyeball
  1. 1. Group of t tubules between the terminal cistern
  2. 2. Plasma membrane of the muscle cell
  3. 4. Intercellular fluid
  4. 5. Invaginations of the sarcolemma that project deep into the cell
  5. 7. The most freely movable type of synovial joint
  6. 10. What tissue is the endomysium made up of
  7. 11. apparatus A network of stacked, flattened membranous sacs within the cytoplasm of cells
  8. 15. A protein in muscle fibers that together with myosin is responsible for contraction
  9. 16. Pertaining to the back or posterior portion of a body part; the opposite of ventral; also called posterior
  10. 17. What connects your together
  11. 19. Muscle used to run
  12. 20. Connective tissues cells together
  13. 23. Muscle used to pump blood through your body
  14. 24. muscle Muscle used to move the food in your digestive system