Carnatic crossword puzzle

  1. 2. The instrument that Shruthi box sound imitates
  2. 6. A percussion instrument commonly used in Carnatic concerts
  3. 8. Tala of SRSRGM Alankara exercise
  4. 10. Raga of Re re shri Ramachandra geetham
  5. 11. Jathi of Ata Tala Alankara exercise (in English, example, Tisra is three, Chatusra is four and so on)
  6. 13. Raga of Jeeva amrutha dayaka song
  7. 14. Jathi of Jampa Tala Alankara exercise (in English)
  8. 15. Tala of SR,G,M,PDN Alankara exercise
  1. 1. Raga of Mandara darare geetham
  2. 3. Raga of Janaka sutha geetham
  3. 4. Tala of SRGRSRSRGM Alankara exercise
  4. 5. Raga of Kamala jadala geetham
  5. 7. Jathi of Triputa Tala Alankara exercise (in English)
  6. 9. Father of Carnatic music (hint, he is also the composer of the Malahari geethams)
  7. 12. A string instrument commonly used in Carnatic concerts