Carolinas Cord Blood Bank - WAMC

  1. 2. Used to determine term
  2. 5. Day you were born
  3. 6. Tissue type match uses this
  4. 9. Life giving fluid
  5. 11. state north and south
  6. 12. Female parent
  7. 14. Male parent
  8. 15. Connecting cord
  9. 18. Brother or sister
  10. 20. Hematopoietic cells found here
  1. 1. Healthcare provider
  2. 3. How far along in pregnancy
  3. 4. Infant donor
  4. 7. Saying yes to donate
  5. 8. Free gift to another
  6. 10. Amount of blood collected
  7. 13. Non physician provider
  8. 16. All cord blood donors
  9. 17. Party before baby is born
  10. 19. Cord blood bank at WAMC