
  1. 4. Japan's largest-selling make of premium cars
  2. 5. The most renowned electric car company
  3. 7. An Italian brand and manufacturer of luxury supercars and sports cars
  4. 9. What company is the model - - - - Doblo from?
  5. 11. A global automobile manufacturer, headquarters in Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg
  1. 1. What car brand has a model called - - - - - - - - veyron
  2. 2. The full name of the company known as 'VW'
  3. 3. Fastest selling car (brand)
  4. 6. A member of the Volkswagen Group
  5. 8. Jujiro Matsuda is the founder of what car company?
  6. 9. Second largest family owned company in the world
  7. 10. What company was founded in Munich ,Germany