
  1. 2. Have won eight consecutive Contructors' titles from 2014 to 2021 in Formula 1.
  2. 4. Italian supercar brand with a horse as a logo.
  3. 7. Known for their _______ GTR series.
  4. 11. Won 20 World Campionships and over 180 races in Formula 1.
  5. 12. Known for making off road cars.
  1. 1. Known for making a car with the same name as a horse.
  2. 3. Six starts and a blue background.
  3. 5. British car brand, known for being used in James Bond movies.
  4. 6. Known as a very expensive and prestigious car brand.
  5. 8. Four rings.
  6. 9. Das Auto.
  7. 10. Three letter car brand that started in Garmany.