
  1. 1. Part that moves up and down in a cylinder. Helps move the car.
  2. 3. Very loud car part.
  3. 4. Part that allows us to see at night.
  4. 7. This part of the car stops the car.
  5. 9. Be careful of these large animals on the road.
  6. 10. The speed ______ is 45 mph.
  7. 11. Who makes the Rav-4?
  8. 13. Dad's car is actually a...
  9. 17. This part of the car touches the ground.
  10. 18. If Charlotte had a car, it might be this color.
  1. 2. Street legal, high performance sports car.
  2. 5. A car's fuel.
  3. 6. When there's a lot of cars jamming up the road there's ________.
  4. 8. A tesla's fuel.
  5. 12. Mpg stands for _______ per hour.
  6. 14. If Carter had a car, it might be this color.
  7. 15. Before cars, people rode __________.
  8. 16. Goo Goo drives a...