
  1. 1. The front window of a car that protects the driver and passengers from wind, dust, and other debris.
  2. 4. A place in a car where a person sits while traveling.
  3. 5. The part of a car that converts fuel into power to make the car move.
  4. 7. How fast a car is traveling at any given time.
  5. 9. A machine used for transportation, usually with wheels and an engine.
  6. 12. A type of car with a roof that can be folded or removed, allowing the car to be driven with the top down.
  7. 14. The storage space at the back of a car, typically used for carrying luggage, groceries, or other items.
  8. 15. The panel in front of the driver's seat that displays important information about the car's performance.
  9. 16. Lights at the front of a car that illuminate the road ahead during nighttime or low-light conditions.
  1. 2. plate A metal or plastic plate attached to the front and back of a car, displaying its registration number.
  2. 3. wheel The part of the car that the driver uses to control the direction of the vehicle.
  3. 6. A type of fuel that is used to power many cars.
  4. 8. Round structures on which the car rests and that enable it to move.
  5. 10. A common type of vehicle that is used for personal transportation on roads.
  6. 11. A device in a car that produces a loud sound to alert others.
  7. 13. Devices in a car that help slow down or stop the vehicle.