
  1. 1. Who wins in California? Cars 1
  2. 5. What town did he go to? 2 words
  3. 8. 1959 Chevrolet Imapala
  4. 10. Enemy last name in Cars 2?
  5. 11. How does McQueen tie with King & Hicks?
  6. 13. What does Mater want to ride?
  7. 15. What is the machine that Mcqueen is tied too
  8. 16. What is Mater really good at?____ driving...
  9. 17. main character
  1. 1. Life is a.....?
  2. 2. How many piston cups did Doc win?
  3. 3. Who is McQueen trying to beat in Cars 2?
  4. 4. Studio that made this movie...
  5. 6. Mcqueen brand?
  6. 7. The love interest?
  7. 8. The highway name? 1 word 2 numbers
  8. 9. Who became Mcqueen's mentor? 2 words
  9. 12. What color was Mater before?
  10. 14. Where did Mcqueen sleep? 2 words