- 1. Who wins in California? Cars 1
- 5. What town did he go to? 2 words
- 8. 1959 Chevrolet Imapala
- 10. Enemy last name in Cars 2?
- 11. How does McQueen tie with King & Hicks?
- 13. What does Mater want to ride?
- 15. What is the machine that Mcqueen is tied too
- 16. What is Mater really good at?____ driving...
- 17. main character
- 1. Life is a.....?
- 2. How many piston cups did Doc win?
- 3. Who is McQueen trying to beat in Cars 2?
- 4. Studio that made this movie...
- 6. Mcqueen brand?
- 7. The love interest?
- 8. The highway name? 1 word 2 numbers
- 9. Who became Mcqueen's mentor? 2 words
- 12. What color was Mater before?
- 14. Where did Mcqueen sleep? 2 words