
  1. 4. used to rub out something written
  2. 5. experiments and organs
  3. 7. science or practice of farming and planting
  4. 10. room where you learn
  5. 11. utensil to write with
  6. 13. numbers and problem solving
  7. 14. used to stick things together
  8. 15. Where you sit
  9. 18. used to write on board
  10. 19. learn about things that happened over time
  1. 1. carry your things inside of
  2. 2. place your homework in
  3. 3. used to solve problems
  4. 6. used to check of school
  5. 8. used to tell measurements
  6. 9. pass used to get out of class
  7. 12. used to do work online
  8. 16. extra work for home
  9. 17. check out books
  10. 18. used to tell time