cars adv

  1. 3. wheel a thing that a driver rotates in order to drive a vehicle
  2. 5. a curved piece of metal or plastic above the wheels of a bicycle or motorcycle that prevents dirt
  3. 9. the pipe at the back of a vehicle through which waste gas escapes
  4. 11. outer edge of a wheel, holding the tire
  5. 12. horizontal bar fixed across the front or back of a motor vehicle to reduce damage in a collision
  6. 13. a metal or plastic cover for the vehicle's wheel
  7. 15. the metal cover over the part of a car where the engine is
  8. 16. a rigid adjustable flap on an automobile windshield that can shield the eyes of a driver from direct sunlight
  1. 1. a padded part extending from or fixed to the back of a seat or chair
  2. 2. a glass screen at the front of a motor vehicle
  3. 4. a device used to deaden the sound
  4. 6. the panel facing the driver of a vehicle or the pilot of an aircraft
  5. 7. one of two long metal and rubber parts that move against a windscreen to remove rain
  6. 8. A mechanism for changing from one gear to another in a transmission
  7. 10. large compartment, usually in the rear of an automobile
  8. 14. a pedal in the car used to shift gears
  9. 15. a device on a vehicle that is used to make a loud noise