Cars and Driving

  1. 6. to drive
  2. 7. steering wheel
  3. 9. breakdown
  4. 10. boot/trunk
  5. 13. rearview mirror
  6. 14. parking
  7. 16. diesel
  8. 17. light vehicles
  9. 18. air conditioning
  10. 19. service
  11. 20. glovebox
  1. 1. petrol
  2. 2. seatbelt
  3. 3. driving licence
  4. 4. windscreen
  5. 5. brakes
  6. 8. electric car
  7. 11. tow
  8. 12. sunroof
  9. 15. handbrake
  10. 18. motorway
  11. 20. tyre