Cars Crossword

  1. 3. a dodge demon is also referred to as a _______
  2. 4. the measurement of the work an engine can perform
  3. 5. chevrolet introduced its most famous sports car in 1953
  4. 8. a lightweight sports car created by mazda is the
  5. 9. most popular electric car brand
  6. 11. the power an engine produces
  7. 12. Unit of speed to describe a cars speed
  8. 14. the fuel efficient toyota is known as the
  1. 1. the most common car color
  2. 2. the most popular porsche SUV is known as the
  3. 6. the first generation tesla was known as the tesla ________.
  4. 7. the four circular objects on a car
  5. 10. Number of Fast & Furious movies
  6. 11. the most well known military vehicle (abbreviation)
  7. 13. first name of the creator of Ford