Cars crossword

  1. 4. can see the sky from in the car
  2. 5. a thing that rolls on your car
  3. 7. can go through any weather
  4. 11. gallops
  5. 12. a car used for racing
  6. 13. tiers used for going up mountains
  7. 15. a very old car
  8. 16. a car used in the safari
  1. 1. the thing you see through when driving
  2. 2. there is a car brand named after him
  3. 3. car with retractable roof
  4. 6. used for transport
  5. 8. a very busy road
  6. 9. towed with horses
  7. 10. used to pick up stuff
  8. 14. a car used by the royals