Cars That Run on Electricity? It'll Never Happen. And Other Famous Last Words!!

  1. 2. This Toyota is the #1 selling hybrid car in America
  2. 5. Makes the upfront cost of buying a hybrid/electric car more than buying a regular, gas-powered car
  3. 6. and C Other hybrid/electric Prius models available
  4. 7. Provides the electrical power supply to hybrid and electric cars
  5. 10. Powered by electricity ONLY
  6. 11. Powered by gas AND electricity
  1. 1. The skyrocketing price of this is why more and more people are bying Hybrid/Electric cars
  2. 3. The majority of hybrid and electric cars get excellent ratings in this category
  3. 4. One of the main reasons that people buy hybrid and electric cars
  4. 6. All-electric car made by Chevrolet
  5. 8. The environmental movement promoted by Al Gore
  6. 9. This Nissan all-electric car was voted "thriftiest" due to its' 106 mpg rating