Cars Version 2.0

  1. 3. ForTwo, or not ForTwo... that is the question
  2. 7. American "Luxury"
  3. 10. Capital "H"
  4. 11. UK's Off-Roader
  5. 12. Star
  6. 15. Japanese Luxury
  7. 16. British Racing Green
  8. 18. Airplane Prop Logo
  9. 19. Henry - the production master
  10. 20. Luxury Import to U.S.
  11. 21. Continental
  12. 23. Owns the German Union Brand
  13. 24. GTR, anyone?
  14. 26. Also produces Motorbikes
  15. 27. German Union
  1. 1. No Fuel?
  2. 2. Prancing Horse
  3. 4. Japanese Giant
  4. 5. F1 Producer
  5. 6. The lesser known Korean
  6. 8. Brought the Fiat 500 to North America
  7. 9. Many Brands of American
  8. 10. Korean Giant
  9. 12. It's small, govna!
  10. 13. Upper Class Briton
  11. 14. 3, 5, 6, for example
  12. 17. Some light on fire
  13. 22. Abraham, eg
  14. 25. What's a tC?