"Cars" Vocab

  1. 3. an action that will change the motion of an object
  2. 4. Standards that must be met to achieve a goal.
  3. 5. to change direction or stray from a course
  4. 8. The force that pulls us towards the center of the Earth
  5. 11. The still point you compare an object in motion to when looking at relative motion
  6. 12. in a car, a rod that connects the wheels and lets them spin
  7. 13. a repetition of a process; re-_________
  8. 16. slowing down
  9. 17. A propelling force
  10. 19. a limitation
  1. 1. in a car, the things that holds the axles in a way that allows them to spin
  2. 2. speeding up
  3. 6. the body of a car; includes wheels and axles
  4. 7. it makes your hands heat up when you rub them together
  5. 9. the motion of something in relation to something else
  6. 10. How fast something is going
  7. 14. the speed of something in a particular direction
  8. 15. the act of going from place to place over a certain amount of time
  9. 18. to move without being continuously pushed or pulled