Cars Vocab list

  1. 2. covers damage to your own vehicle
  2. 3. you subtract this from price
  3. 5. covers your liability for injury to others
  4. 6. Manufacturer's suggested retail/sticker price
  5. 8. sell privately to someone else. Make more money
  6. 12. insurance that covers you when you get hit by someone without insurance
  7. 14. if you were to pay full price without loan or tghe amount you barrow for the loan
  8. 16. take to dealership for a down payment
  9. 17. what they say the car is worth, Use to calculate monthly payment
  10. 20. covers damage to others peoples property
  11. 21. if you want to buy after lease, they would charge you the residual
  12. 22. loss of value overtime
  1. 1. property damage and bodily injury combined
  2. 4. covers damage or loss to your vehicle from fire, theft, or vandalism
  3. 7. price after purchase price + extra fees- rebates (outdoor price)
  4. 9. cost of insurance per month
  5. 10. cost of paperwork
  6. 11. everything; the best type of warranty
  7. 13. verify the severity of the damage
  8. 15. website to help value your car
  9. 18. After negotiation and extras. Final price you purchase at
  10. 19. Insurance/ protection when something breaks or goes bad. Does not cover regular maintance