Cartoon Characters

  1. 3. The world revealed from a babies point of view (7)
  2. 6. pet beagle favourite in Peanuts comic strip by Charlie Schulz (6)
  3. 8. This fast running bird will never get caught (10)
  4. 9. The fastest mouse in Mexico 6/8)
  5. 10. This smarter than the average bear stole picnics with his little nephew (4/4)
  6. 11. Sweet little bird 'I tawt I taw a puddy tat' (6/3)
  7. 13. This egg headed character is an adversary of Buggs Bunny (5/4
  8. 15. Signature line 'Th-th-th-that's all folks (5/3)
  9. 16. Jim's other half who chugged along on a barge boat exploring Great Britain (5)
  10. 18. Little Old Lady is a favorite in this 1970's cartoon. (8/3/3/8)
  11. 21. This Looney Tunes character was cunning, insidious and constantly hungry as he chased his opponent ' beep beep ' (4/1/6)
  1. 1. This well loved Character lives in the woods with his abundance of honey and furry friends(6/3/4)
  2. 2. Springfield's wicked ww2 power plant owner (2/5)
  3. 4. This bouncey character had a little pink piggy friend (6)
  4. 5. Caveman husband with a very cute baby bamm bamm (6/6)
  5. 6. Whose trademark exclamation is 'Suffering succotash' (9)
  6. 7. Famous villain fighting janitor pooch who would get changed in a filing cabinet (4/4/6)
  7. 12. Loud lovable caveman (4/9)
  8. 14. If it wasn't for those pesky kids was a well known slogan for this mystery solving gang (6/3)
  9. 15. This strong muscular character braved the waves with his sweetheart as an evil brute tries to win over her love (6)
  10. 17. This alley boss lived in a dustbin (6)
  11. 19. This black character with a speech impediment was well known for his quote 'You're despicable' (5/4)
  12. 20. Drove around in a green machine with his mystery friends who was frightened of his own shaddow (6)