Cartoon Characters

  1. 4. - The suave, pink cat who stars in his own animated series.
  2. 5. - A classic Disney character known for his short temper and sailor outfit.
  3. 8. - The tiny, fairy sidekick in Disney's Peter Pan.
  4. 10. - A robotic cat from the future who assists a young boy.
  5. 11. - The bumbling father from the animated TV series "The Simpsons."
  6. 14. - A sultry cartoon character from "Who Framed Roger Rabbit."
  7. 20. - The lovable, bald-headed character from the Peanuts comic strip.
  8. 21. - The spinach-eating sailor known for his strong forearms.
  9. 23. - The friendly snowman from Disney's "Frozen."
  10. 24. - A wisecracking, carrot-chomping rabbit from Looney Tunes.
  11. 25. - A lasagna-loving, orange tabby cat with a sarcastic attitude.
  12. 26. - The mischievous son from the animated TV series "The Simpsons."
  13. 28. - A yellow sponge who lives in a pineapple under the sea.
  14. 29. - Adorable creatures captured and trained by Ash Ketchum.
  1. 1. - The talking Great Dane who solves mysteries with a group of friends.
  2. 2. - The daughter of Fred and Wilma in "The Flintstones."
  3. 3. - A superhero with arachnid powers created by Stan Lee.
  4. 6. - The ogre who embarks on humorous adventures in a fairytale world.
  5. 7. - The wise cricket who serves as Pinocchio's conscience.
  6. 9. - The classic cat-and-mouse duo engaged in endless antics.
  7. 12. - This iconic character is the mascot of The Walt Disney Company.
  8. 13. - The lovable bear who enjoys honey in the Hundred Acre Wood.
  9. 14. - Archie's best friend known for his appetite in the Archie Comics.
  10. 15. - The lion cub who becomes king in Disney's "The Lion King."
  11. 16. - The clever but unsuccessful predator from Looney Tunes.
  12. 17. - The dysfunctional dog-and-cat duo from the animated series.
  13. 18. - The imaginative beagle from the Peanuts comic strip.
  14. 19. - The wise and powerful Jedi Master from the Star Wars franchise.
  15. 22. - The caped crusader of Gotham City, fighting crime as a vigilante.
  16. 27. - The miserly, wealthy duck from Disney's DuckTales.