Cartoon Version

  1. 2. flying elephant
  2. 4. Sami is from an indigenous group of people called
  3. 5. from the movie, Over the Moon, who was the handsome man that was loved by the Moon Goddess, Chang'e
  4. 7. I can’t believe we’ve come so far! a song lyrics from the cartoon
  5. 10. being there for a child is the most noble thing a toy can do
  6. 11. rachel bloom was the voice actor for this character
  7. 13. one who said, "i never asked to be made!"
  8. 15. blue,runs fast and a hedgehog
  9. 16. carpenter, who lives in the house full of toys
  10. 18. voice actress of poppy
  11. 19. in the movie The Queen's Corgi,UK released, who was voice actor of the character of Debra Stephenson?
  1. 1. born in the enchanted forest, member of Northuldra
  2. 2. carnival prizes that are eager to be won
  3. 3. when did the cartoon "wonderful world of mickey mouse" release the first episode?
  4. 6. who drew the picture of hiccup in the 2019 movie, how to train your dragon the homecoming
  5. 8. artwork of realistic pokemon from the movie, detective pikachu 2019
  6. 9. born with the power to create ice
  7. 12. song by will smith from the live action of aladdin 2019
  8. 14. voice actress of mrs. potato head
  9. 17. Ryan Reynolds played two characters, Harry Goodman and _______ from the movie, Detective Pikachu