
  1. 5. Buff Camel Dude.
  2. 9. Kid with an Alien Watch.
  3. 10. The One who cooks.
  4. 12. The fusion of two animals.
  5. 14. Green Haired Twink.
  6. 17. Half Pink Rock Boy.
  7. 18. Blonde Planet Girl.
  1. 1. Samurai with black Hair.
  2. 2. Girl with a shooting star sweater.
  3. 3. Blue Cat.
  4. 4. Tree Hat Kid; Full Name.
  5. 6. Guy from fortnite.
  6. 7. UwU Furry Guy from a plant village.
  7. 8. Dorito Demon.
  8. 11. Emo Naruto Guy.
  9. 13. Rock Girl with Pink spiky hair.
  10. 15. Clone Wars Jedi.
  11. 16. X Chest Pirate.