Cascade MS Science Safety

  1. 4. Handle all _________________ with care.(20)
  2. 6. Always carry a ____________________ with both hands.(15)
  3. 7. Dress _______________ - long hair should be tied back, no dangling jewelry, no loose or baggy clothing.(12)
  4. 9. When mixing acid and water, ALWAYS carefully pour the _______ into the water.(16)
  5. 10. Do not put anything into a ___________ unless directed to do so.(24)
  6. 13. Handle all ________________ with care and respect.(14)
  7. 14. Report any ______________ (spill, fire, breakage) and/or injury to the teacher immediately.(11)
  8. 15. Clean all work areas and __________________ at the end of the experiment.(9)
  9. 18. Do not ____ in class during science lab days.(5)
  10. 19. Please ask ___________________ before touching any equipment, supplies, animals, or other material in the room.(3)
  11. 20. Move slowly and in ______________ during a science activity or lab.(29)
  12. 21. Keep your work area and the science room neat and __________.(8))
  13. 22. Learn where the ______________ equipment is and how to use it.(26)
  14. 23. Never light matches/burners when gas is on or you ________ gas (rotten eggs).(22)
  15. 24. Follow all written and verbal ________________ carefully.(2)
  16. 26. Use scalpels, scissors, and other ________ instruments carefully and only as instructed.(18)
  17. 27. Stay in your ___________________ area during the lab unless instructed otherwise.(30)
  18. 28. Only use ________ with permission. Do not pour items down the drain unless the teacher has given you permission.(17)
  19. 29. Wear safety ____________ when instructed.(7)
  1. 1. In case of __________________, call the front office at 1363.(28)
  2. 2. Return all ______________ equipment to the proper area.(27)
  3. 3. Do not turn on the _____ jets.(21)
  4. 5. Perform only authorized and approved _______________ (no going rogue).(4)
  5. 8. Report _________________ conditions or broken equipment to the teacher immediately.(25)
  6. 11. Use extreme _______________ when using matches, a burner, or hot plate.(23)
  7. 12. Conduct yourself in a _______________ manner at all times.(1)
  8. 16. Keep hands away from face, ______, and mouth while using science materials.(6)
  9. 17. Follow instructions to dispose of any ____________ material.(10)
  10. 20. Consider all _______________ used in the class to be dangerous.(13)
  11. 25. Do not remove any lab equipment or ________________ out of the classroom without permission.(19)