- 1. a limitation It that it is just a ________
- 4. a reason business create cash flow forecasts it identifies potential _________ in cash balances
- 5. figures in _______ indicate negative figures
- 6. Flow of money into a business
- 9. keeping too much stock uses up cash and there is an elevated risk that stock becomes unusable
- 12. money spent regularly on rent, insurance, electricity etc. that keep a business operating
- 14. A cause of a cash flow problem is that businesses can incur unexpected costs known as ____________________
- 15. flow of money into and out of a business
- 16. opening Balance +/- net Cash Flow
- 18. a strategy to improve cash flow is to reduce the ____________ offered to customers
- 20. asset that easily be changed into cash
- 2. Flow of money out of a business
- 3. inability to meet debts
- 7. to improve cash flow a business can sell off a premises (or asset) and then lease it back
- 8. total Revenue - total Cost
- 10. money that can be readily used for business operations
- 11. a strategy to improve cash flow is to ________ payments to suplliers
- 13. money taken out of the business by owner for personal use
- 17. total inflows – total outflows
- 19. The____________ will always be the same figure as that of the closing balance of the previous month