Cash Flow- M.S

  1. 2. Cash going both in and out of the business
  2. 3. Renting property back to the seller
  3. 5. Money kept on business premises, readily used for business plans/ procedures
  4. 8. What the business needs to pay to maintain production
  5. 11. Cash used to pay overheads, suppliers and employees to prevent this from happening
  6. 12. (Related to cash flow)Predicts shortcomings in cash balance
  7. 16. The same as the previous month's closing balance
  8. 18. An organisation that provide the business with materials/ products
  9. 19. When the owner takes out capital from the business for personal use
  1. 1. Shares of ownerships that are publicly offered to the general population
  2. 2. Money that 'leaves' the business
  3. 4. The 'workers' that businesses recruit and need to pay to avoid insolvency
  4. 6. Storing too much stock and tying up cash
  5. 7. They will look at business' cash flow forecasts when loaning money to them
  6. 9. Includes payment of electricity, rent and insurance
  7. 10. When the business spends capital/ Amount of money a business spent
  8. 13. A business would like a ______ cash flow
  9. 14. Money that 'comes' into a business
  10. 15. When the business OWES money to someone
  11. 17. How easily assets are changed/converted into cash